Application updates from July 20 – September 23, 2022
Release to production: October 9, 2022
PrismPOS is the preferred point-of-sale solution for PrismCore and Mosaic. As additional functionality is added to Mosaic, application APIs are expanding to offer standard behavior regardless of a store’s inventory management system. Along with essential data exchange, there is an ongoing initiative to unify POS configuration, content management, and transaction processing within Mosaic. This application makes use of enhanced Mosaic APIs to exchange data.
PrismPOS completed certification to use Watchman, a third party payment processor, to authorize and capture store charge tenders. If Watchman is enabled, PRBS must add Watchman-assigned configuration values to Thunder Admin Tool > Configuration > POS Setup > Parameters.
Credit Card Retry - An unexpected Shift 4 issue, where pressing the pin pad “Cancel” button resulted in an excessive delay prior to presenting an error, was resolved.
Customer (Add) - When a customer is added to a transaction the customer number is now presented along with the customer name in the yellow customer information bar.
Customer (Edit) - To avoid unintended behavior, customer details may no longer be edited after tendering has begun. Up until tender, a clerk may select the yellow customer information bar to edit details. Once a tender is applied, the customer account is locked from editing.
Disabled Tenders - Disabled tenders may no longer be used for refunds. Attempts to refund to a disabled tender will present an error and suggestion to refund to ‘Cash’.
Exchange (split tender) - A transaction with split tenders that are taxable and non taxable can now be refunded without error. Prior to this update, PrismPOS presented a error directing the cashiers to separate the refund and sale.
Performance - If a bad transaction prevents a transaction from uploading, the application will not repeatedly try to upload the bad transaction. Subsequent transactions will be processed independent of the bad data.
Line Display - Despite the application of some discounts, the line display was still showing full price for entered products. This has been fixed so discounted prices appear on the display.
Logs - Users may now enter relevant comments to inform the PRBS support team about the logs being shared. Clicking the ‘Upload Logs’ button on the register now displays an Upload Register Logs window and allows users to add optional comments.
Receipt Search - Rental check-in transactions can now be viewed in receipt search. Before this update check-ins were not viewable.
Receipt Reprint - An excessive delay that occurred when reprinting a receipt including DCC discounts and tendered by AR account was fixed. Reprinting such transactions now takes ~6 seconds.
Rental Customer - For rentals, if an added customer account is missing required fields, PrismPOS will display an asterisk next to required fields and prompt the cashier for input(s).
Rental Guarantee - With FreedomPay, shoppers may now use a debit card as a guarantee tender in conjunction with a credit card for transaction payment. This combination was not previously allowed.
Rental Guarantee - With FreedomPay, shoppers may now use one credit card as a guarantee tender in conjunction with a different credit card for transaction payment. This combination was not previously allowed.
Rental Refund - When a rental is refunded by receipt, the Refund/Check-In button now displays as expected with the rental information. Previously the button was not displayed.
Transaction Tender - When editing an amount that is automatically filled upon tender selection, typing now replaces the auto-filled value. Before, typing would append to the auto-filled value often requiring additional editing.
AR Tender with PrismWeb - To support the acceptance of Mosaic store charges as payment for online orders. The AR Authorization service was enabled for Mosaic’s web order processing.
Digital Content Sales - PrismPOS now uses the Digital Receipt Info selection from Mosaic > Store Setup > Parameters when selling Mosaic digital content. This value is the preferred receipt content from all options available in the Thunder Admin Tool.
Product Descriptions - Products with very long descriptions may now be sold via PrismPOS. Previously, products with descriptions longer than 128 characters caused an error on the cash register.
Serialized Products - Products that are flagged as Serialized in Mosaic may now be sold and refunded via PrismPOS. Transactions with serialized items require a customer and prompt for serial number(s), as expected. Completed transactions will appear in the serialization tab on Mosaic.
To provide consistency anywhere that taxes are calculated for collection, PrismPOS and Mosaic web order processing both use a shared tax service now. PrismPOS uses each cash register’s location (by zip code) to determine what tax rates to apply on transaction tender.
Discounts - When adding a new discount in Thunder Admin Tool > POS Parameters > Discounts, the Name field was being populated with names from another module. This has been fixed.
Page Performance - The time it takes to load and navigate around the Thunder Admin tool has been improved. After an initial 7-10 seconds to start up, Admin pages will appear within a couple of seconds.
Register Reports - Register reports printed at the register and those viewed via Thunder Admin Tool > Reports menu were not always consistent. The following changes have been delivered to better align the two applications.
Tenders are printed/shown in alphabetical order on both the Register Report and in Thunder Admin Tool.
Post Voids are presented the same on the Register Report and the Thunder Admin Tool.
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