Products - Physical Inventory
When Performing Inventory, there are 3 types of Inventory processes.
Complete Inventory, you count all items in every DCC for the entire store.
Partial-Complete Inventory where you count every item within a DCC or DCCs.
Partial Inventory is where you count some items but not an entire DCC, the inventory should be posted as partial. You would not clear your inventory, instead you would just post.
Once you know which type of inventory you are doing. You can prep.
To prep for inventory, it is a good idea to have your store mapped out and define how your fixtures and areas will be sectioned. That way, should an issue arise, you can pinpoint where the problem happened.
Make sure you are caught up on receiving and returns prior to beginning your counts.
In Products > Physical Inventory
Select +Add.
In the Add Physical Inventory screen, you will need to fill in all fields.
Field | Definition | Field | Definition |
Fixture | This could be a section of shelves, vendor display, etc. Define as desired. | Batch | The same number should be used for the entire count. |
Area | A subdivision of the fixture. | Location | Which location are you performing Inventory? |
Select Save. You will be taken into the Edit Physical Inventory screen.
In the Edit Physical Inventory screen, you are able to start adding your products to this fixture/area. You have a few ways to do this.
If you have a scanner, you can scan the products in the Scan Code, Scan New Item field on the scanned product line, you can then enter the Quantity. After you enter the quantity, a new line will open for you to scan the next item. Continue this until completion of the fixture/area.
If you don’t have a tablet or way to be mobile and scan, you are able to use the Search Products button. Here, you are able to search for Items by what is designated in the search field. Select the desired items by using the checkbox and select OK.
Products will add to the fixture/area. Continue adding products till you complete the fixture/area. Enter in the quantity for each product line.
If you want to delete a product off the record, select the checkbox of the item you wish to remove. Then select Delete Product(s) next to the Search Products button.
(Note: The fully Red Delete Fixture button at the top of the screen will delete the entire fixture/area.)
Select Save.
Repeat steps for each fixture.
Note: Once you Save a fixture/area, you can use the back arrow on your browser, and it will open a new record to add.
Once you have completed your counts, you can start the reconciliation process.
At the top of the Physical Inventory screen, select Export.
Select Inventory Not Counted - This is valuable at any level and time. This will show you inventory that is shown as on hand but not counted. For example, a box of books in the back office that got hidden on a shelf.
Make the selections based on your needs.
Please note: Checking the “Only include inventory where SOH is not zero” may result in you missing products you have in store but the system thinks you have 0.
Export as PDF or CSV.
Inventory by DCC - This is a broader report, you can run this report to see your variance and how well you did on the counts.
The Fixture and Area are not required. If left blank, it will run for all fixtures/areas. Otherwise, enter the Fixture or Area you want to run this report for. Select your DCCs.
Summary will give you an overview but not include item detail, whereas detail will tell you the items and SKUs/ISBN. When you select Detail, an additional checkbox becomes available, where you can decide if you would like to include inventory not counted.
If there is a variance, you can then go focus on that area and see if this is different from what Mosaic thought you had.
Inventory by Fixture - This report is more granular and can only be exported as an excel file.
If you leave this blank it will run for all Fixtures. Fill in with a Fixture/Area, if desired.
After all fixes have been done, export and save final copies of the Inventory Not Counted, Inventory by DCC, and Inventory by Fixture reports. These reports are only available prior to posting.
Export the Total Inventory Value report. We are going to save this as a Before Posting.
Include Negative Inventory and check the box for “Include inventory detail”.
Do not check the box for “Only include inventory where SOH is not zero”.
Include all DCCs. Save the report, naming it to indicate it is Before Posting.
Once finished, you can begin the next steps.
For Partial Inventory, you will NOT clear and instead just Post Partial and export the total inventory value report.
IF performing a Complete or Partial Complete Inventory, Select Clear Inventory.
IF you are performing a Partial Complete, SELECT THE DCCs you counted.
This clears by DCC, it takes the current stock on hand and sets it to zero. For example, if you had a book in your store that Mosaic thought you had 10 in stock, but you didn't, so it's not on your list, there is no barcode to scan so Mosaic thinks its just living in your store but couldn't find it, it will take the inventory to zero.
Next select Post Inventory, this will change the stock on hand to your counts.
Partial Inventory will update the inventory for only the scanned items.
Complete Inventory will update all of the inventory, including non counted items.
Post As Sales is created for a very specific purpose and subset of stores, DO NOT USE unless you know otherwise.
Stores without a POS perform inventory and then use Post As Sales to track the difference between what they counted and what Mosaic has as SOH as a sale. This will show as a Sale on the Stock Adjustment Report.
Now select Export and choose Total Inventory Value.
Make your selections and export to PDF or CSV.
You completed Physical Inventory.
Partial Inventory
If performing a partial inventory, where you count some, not all, of a DCC(s), you will NOT clear inventory. Instead you will select, Post Inventory.
Select Partial Inventory, this will update the inventory ONLY for the scanned items.
Export the Total Inventory Value report and save it as “after posting”
You have completed your Partial Inventory.
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