Title should be software and release date, i.e. PrismPOS March 22, 2020 Release Notes, PrismWeb March 22, 2020 Release Notes
Searching for an account by either account name or account code is now possible, when adding accounts to a customer at the register.
A null ref was being displayed, when emailing a receipt, if the sale was not originally done on the register sending the email. This has been corrected so an email from another register can be emailed without issue.
Emails will now only be sent from the store where the sale occurred. Previously, emails were being sent appeared to be coming from other store locations, i.e. a receipt from the main store might appear to have been sent from the convenience store.
Partial Auth transactions are now working for FreedomPay.
When running the amount to generate a Call for Auth response from FreedomPay, an error was being given. This has been fixed so that a Call for Auth transaction using FreedomPay can be done for the certification. The card needs to be swiped twice in order for the transaction to be approved, this is correct behavior according to FreedomPay.
When a FreedomPay transaction is cancelled on the pin pad the message, User cancelled at pin pad, now displays on the register.
Inactive AR accounts can no longer be used as a tender on Prism2.0. They will no longer no longer display in the list of tenders.
When Return to Sales was selected from Receipts screen, an application error was displaying. This has been corrected, so the Quick Menu screen displays.
NMRP customers had missing billing information. This has been corrected so when an NMRP rental is done at the register, the customer has the correct billing information.
The RR reports from the Register > Tools > Reports was showing the server time not the register time. This has been corrected so that the RR and CR reports print the register time.
If Print After Sale was unchecked in Admin Tool > Receipts and the user selects Print Receipt after the transaction finishes, the receipt was printing Reprinted Receipt even though the receipt had not been printed yet. This has been corrected.
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